Tad Bogdan


 You are the Center of the Universe 

the Center of your Universe.

Every other entity is the Center of their Universe too driven by their own survival and success.

In today's fast-paced world, success is not just about what you know, but also how well you navigate the complexities of your personal and professional lives. This book is a comprehensive guide designed to help you master the skills you need to succeed in all aspects of your life — mastering your personal universe and mastering successful interactions with other universes.

From effective communication and rapport building — to decision-making and problem-solving, this book offers practical strategies and techniques that you can apply in your personal and professional life. Whether you're a student, a young professional, or a seasoned veteran in your field, HOW TO MASTER THE UNIVERSE is your ticket to success.

Inside this book, you will discover:

Available on Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover

* Book excerpt - published in StraitJackets Literary Magazine

Build upon the wisdom of:

Aquinas, Aristotle, Aurelius, Bach, Baez, Blake, Bonaparte, Branson, Buddha, Bush, Carnegie, Camus, Child, Churchill, Clapton, Clavell, Coelho, Covey, Dass, Descartes, Drucker, Edison, Eilish, Einstein, Emerson, Ford, Franklin, Gandhi, Gates, Gibran, Gladwell, Gretzky, Hannibal, Harari, Hepburn, Jagger, Jesus, Jefferson, Johnson, Jordan, Jovi, Joyce, Jung, Kahneman, King, Lama, Lincoln, Maslow, Moliere, Schwarzenegger, Seneca, Seuss, Socrates, Sutton, Teresa, Thoreau, Tolstoy, Truman, Twain, Voltaire, Virgil, Whitman, Winfrey, Zappa, and more.


Contact: tad@tadbogdan.com